Project Detail

The Vignaioli Pugliesi project is a luxurious point of sale for wine that is designed to offer customers an immersive experience in the world of fine wine. The space is located next to a wine cellar and is intended to showcase the premium wines produced by Vignaioli Pugliesi.
The interior design of the space is intended to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that will make customers feel comfortable and at ease while they browse the selection of wines. The color scheme is rich and sophisticated, with deep reds, browns, and golds used throughout the space to create an elegant and refined feel.
The furniture and fixtures are carefully selected to complement the space, with custom-designed wine racks and display cases that showcase the bottles of wine in an aesthetically pleasing way. The lighting is also designed to highlight the beauty of the wine bottles, with strategically placed spotlights that draw the eye to the most impressive bottles in the collection.
One of the main features of the space is a tasting area where customers can sample the wines before making a purchase. The tasting area is designed to be comfortable and inviting, with plush seating and elegant décor that will enhance the tasting experience.

  • Client Vignaioli Pugliesi
  • Acreage 80.00 m 2
  • Date April 2021